Crewe News

Derian House Appeal

Image for Derian House Appeal

Over the course of last weekend, the Derian House charity shop in Farnworth, Bolton was broken into. Presents intended for terminally ill children were stolen, along with equipment and jewellery. The thieves caused damage which will cost thousands of pounds to repair – money that could have been spent in far better ways.

Derian House is a hospice, dedicated to the care of terminally ill children or to put it another way, children who will never become adults. The very least that those children and their families deserve is an enjoyable Christmas.

Hopefully the dregs of society who committed this crime will be caught and dealt with soon, but even when they are, the charity will still have lost considerable funds. With this in mind Bolton fan websites have combined to mount an appeal for Derian House. We ask that you make a donation.

We realise that times are hard. Christmas is just around the corner and some of you will be struggling in the current financial climate. However, this is the worthiest of causes and anything you can give will be gratefully received.

How to Donate

Go to Click on the PayPal banner on the left, underneath the revolving BWFC badge. Donations can be made by debit or credit card or PayPal account if you have one.

Thank you.


The Story From the Bolton News
Derian House Children’s Hospice

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