Crewe News

Server Changes – All Change At Vital Towers

Image for Server Changes – All Change At Vital Towers

It’s all change at Vital Towers.

Some sites will have noticed an intermittent slowing of page loading, this is because we are in the process of moving to completely new top spec servers. Our other choice was to do what another network did a year or so ago and switch off totally for the week. We couldn’t do that, we’d have to go outside and see the real world if Vital wasn’t about and hey, some of you would have to actually do some work… heaven forbid!

Tomorrow Spurs and Villa will be down for 90 odd mins.

Then between 12 midnight – 6 am on Saturday and Sunday there is a ‘danger’ of being down whilst maintenance is done (won’t be down all that time, just a warning that there could be down time at some point within those times)

Finally, we’ll have a day down in the next fortnight when everything is completed and then we should be fast as….(well, as fast as the Villa fans sing that Gabby is!) I can’t say that word, it’s rude!

There might be minor glitches which we’ll fix as soon as they crop up once all these changes are made. Long and short, we should be far far better speed and stability wise as we lead up to the end of the year and into 2010.


Many sites have gone through a re-design, the rest and the top level will follow once we’ve completed the server shift. The re-design has gone down well largely and we are delighted (very stressful changing what is already a winning formula!

We are an independent network, we are set up as a limited company for legal reasons but have no big money company behind us (big money companies, feel free to get behind us!) so to have grown to the biggest and best since October 2005 is just fantastic, wouldn’t have happened without you!

Thanks to all for making us the largest independent network on the net… Your support is appreciated.


Finally, adverts! We have some pop under advert campaigns which we simply can’t refuse, this year has hit all businesses through the recession (obviously) and advertising is one that has been hit hard – which impacts us. Our costs remain the same, the income not so much ! The pop under should be just 1 per user per 24 hours which we feel is unobtrusive enough. We generally don’t allow them but the economy means we have to make up the money to pay the bills… We did try standing outside our office with a cap in hand but the pigeons attacked us! :o)

If your computer is set to non default to clear cookies immediately, then the cap on the pop under won’t work, you simply need to set to allow cookies until they expire (which is necessary for cookies to login etc for sites also)

The utopia would be to have no adverts at all – but short of winning the lottery, that isn’t going to happen. One thing we won’t be doing is following the plans of Rupert Murdoch who wants sites pay to read…. Lets hope that one fails and fails badly, the internet is the new world!

But in the meantime, take mercy and take an interest in the adverts, click click.

Cheers folks,

The Vital Staff

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